I’m pleased to share some of my clients'/students' comments about working with me. Unfortunately, language barriers prevented me from including notes from the Malaysians I have worked with, but hopefully the ones selected below will be of interest. Others will be added as they come in.


I was led to Kim through a good friend, and in the 9 months that I've known her my life has transformed. I would almost say that when I met Kim I was at one of the lowest points in my life as I struggled with a number of personal issues and an overwhelming sense of fear. Slowly Kim guided me out from my darkness. I began to feel lighter and began to feel alive again as LOVE started to seep into my consciousness. Though that LOVE was always with me, Kim was instrumental in helping me to open my heart to it. She has gently guided me. I now see that challenges are intentional blessings that allow us to grow ever larger in love. I'm beginning to remember my own inner essence, and I can see true beauty. It is no coincidence that I met Kim when I did. I am ever grateful for her healing presence in my life.

Karyn Jones
Chelsea, MA


While taking Kim's Kundalini Awakening Workshop I had three spiritual healings. I was completely shocked. I could feel energy flowing all over my body! When she touched me I would feel heat. She was able to pin point where I had blockages and tension without me ever saying anything to her. My wife has had 1 distance healing and said she experienced the same thing. I remember after my first healing she told me I had a blockage in my left shoulder and that my heart shakra was closed. For the next week or so my shoulder started to losen up and I was even able to stretch it (open it) much more when I was practicing yoga. During my second healing I can remember that I had a lot of tension in my right side. When she was working on my right shoulder, I could not believe the amount of energy that I felt. A lot of the time she was not even touching me! My hand actually starty contracting. Sometimes I could feel energy flowing all the way from the top of my head down and out of my feet. It was absolutely amazing!
After every healing I felt refreshed. The healings helped me become much more aware of my body and my mind. After these experiences, my perception of life has been drastically altered. I am so grateful to have met Kim. She is incredibly gifted and a great person. I could not recommend her more highly.
Thank you so much.

Bill Jones
Chelsea, MA

Distance Healing and Cleanse

A friend of mine told me about Kim and the distance work that she had been doing with her for a medical condition and chakra balancing and how pleased she was with the results, so decided to contact Kim. I did some distance sessions with Kim and felt wonderful afterwards, she was warm and caring and never hesitated to answer the questions I would ask her through email. Her replies were always prompt and detailed. I discussed with Kim that I had suffered from gall stones for many years and did not want to have my gall bladder out. I had tried doing a gall bladder flush a couple times prior to meeting Kim without success. Kim explained that I had to let go of them energetically as well as physically. She guided me on how to make a pact with my inner child to let go of old pain and emotions and I would have an easier time letting go of the stones. So, I made the pact with my inner child, meditated about releasing, did the 2 week colon, gallbladder/liver cleanse that Kim sent to me and the results were astounding. I released approx. 200 stones and the pain I had been experiencing for several years was gone. I am now doing round 2 of the cleanse to make sure I’m totally free of the stones. I am so grateful to Kim for her knowledge and guidance and am very happy to be living pain free. I’m looking forward to more distance healing sessions.
Thanks Kim, you’re the best!

Linda Kore
Kitchener, Ontario

Distance Healing Experience

After returning from a vacation in France, I came back with an annoying bladder infection. After reluctantly taking a series of antibiotic drugs, and getting no results, I went to my physician who then sent me to specialists to get an ultra sound and MRI. The tests came back negative and found nothing wrong with me. At this point I thought I was going crazy and decided to do my own research. I was desperate at this point, into the second month with the infection, house bound and suffering depression, which was triggered by the infection. I went on the Internet and found Kim Sim’s website or should I say her site found me. After just a few distance healing sessions with her, I experienced a shift in my emotions and the symptoms started residing. Now I’m taking walks, going out to public places and have my life back thanks to the healings. Through all of this, Kim has given me, on going support, thorough feedback and guidance through my darkest times. Her kindness, her insight and wonderful gift of healing gave me a new perspective on life. If you have given up hope due to illness or a life situation, there is a light at the end of the tunnel – a guiding Light. Thanks Kim.

Jemimah St. Hilaire
Toronto, Canada

I do not believe that anything in life is a coincidence, so meeting Kim was no chance meeting. The tools, energy and commitment that Kim shares with you during your spiritual journey are beyond remarkable. She is open, intuitive, patient and always willing to go the extra mile for you. If you are ready to begin your spiritual journey and live life to your fullest potential, I highly recommend Kim’s guidance - it will transform your life!

Lekisha Jackson

Spiritual Healing Experience
I can not say enough about the positive experience I had when I visited Kim for a spiritual healing. I went to Kim after seeing her on Cambridge Community Television. When you visit Kim you will feel right at home. She welcomes you and you immediately feel comfortable. I didn't know alot about Chakras and how they can become blocked and cause physical symptoms within your body. She explains how chakras become blocked and how these blockages can lead to emotional and physical illnesses. During my session, as Kim worked on me, I could actually feel the energy moving through my body. It was truly amazing! I felt so calm and relaxed after the session. Kim will also tell you where she feels you have blockages and suggest different techniques to heal those areas. I would recommend Kim to you if you want to become balanced and more aware of your body, mind and spirit. The whole process Kim explains, is to try and keep yourself balanced so that you maintain health and emotional well being. This in turn leads to more spiritual awareness and aligns you with your higher self. She is a wonderful compassionate person and very knowledgeable in her field.

Kundalini Awakening Experience
I came to Kim for a Kundalini Awakening after having a spiritual/energy session with her which was amazing. I planned on taking Kundalini Meditation classes with her and the Kundalini Awakening is a prerequisite for these classes. Kim explains the Kundalini Awakening to you before she performs it with you. The idea as I understand it is to awaken your spiritual energy so that you will be open to all of the experiences that are yet to come. When we sat down to start the process I immediately felt that I was doing something really important to expand my awareness of spirit. During the Kundalini Awakening there are questions that are asked that you will answer yourself. I found that very powerful because those questions are positively affirmed by you giving you the power to become awakened. I believe the Kundalini Awakening is a fundamental tool for Kundalini Mediation. It prepares you for all that you will experience along the spiritual path.

Leslie Khwaja
Cambridge, MA, USA

My first healing session with Kim was great. I learned a lot about myself. After the session I followed Kim's advice in meditation, yoga and establishing balance in my life. Kim sparked my interest and I hope to continue working with her in the future.

Olympia Valentine
Newton, MA, USA

We just got back from Guatemala yesterday. When I was there I thought about you a lot. I wanted to thank you for all of the knowledge you have shared with me. You have no idea how much you have made an impact on me and they way I now choose to live. Thank you so much for coming into my life.

Jennifer Benites
Lexington, KY, USA

It is very amazing that despite both you & I have different religions & live in thousands of miles away from each other, whenever I have spiritual problems/confusion/depression, apart from praying to GOD & discussing with Kenny, I always go to you for advice. I always feel that you are so near & so close that I can totally count on & you also never let me down by giving immediate feedback whenever I turn to you for advice. I always feel good, relieve & comfortable after reading your emails. Honestly, I never saw my grandmother again in my dreams any more for nearly 2 years.

Ivy Chan
Hong Kong

My session with Kim was quite unique, the hour flew by , throughout the session. I felt and experienced a lot of sensations, at first coolness then warmth , I could not sense where kim was until she placed her hands on me. At times I saw flashes of swirling colors greens, pinks, as she worked down my body and felt the presence of an older regal guide/spirit distinctly Asian. I was extremely relaxed and felt my body and fingers tingling from the energy coming from Kim.

I am a Reiki Master myself and have to say it was a very unique experience, I highly recommend her and will definately be going back for more :) .
thanks Kim,

lol Sonya Castillo,
somerville MA.

I really want to thank you for all the guidance, knowledge, support and advice that you have given me over the past years. Whenever I am depressed, confused or having problems, you are always there to help me out with your immediate reply even though you are so busy. You never let me down at all. I have learnt a lot from you to become a better & confident person. You taught me how to lead a spiritual life by overcoming my fears & speaking my truth clearly and quietly. Your teaching of letting go of worries has made me more relaxed & happy. Distance is not a problem in our communication because I always feel relieve and happy after reading your emails. I can totally rely on you as I believe in you.

Apart from all this, you sent me energy and did healing sessions for me when I was not feeling well or having problems (distance healing and also when you were in Malaysia). At one time, when I was facing indigestion due to gall bladder problem, the distance healing session you did for me made me felt better. I could feel the cool air sensation running over my body very fast when I was lying down here while you were healing me. A short while later, I had a bowel movement and released the gas/wind inside my stomach. You have also helped me to clear off some of the blockages in my body.

The tarot reading which you did for me was true and has guided me through all this while. You give me an idea of what is going to happen but you always tell me that I have the “freewill” to change my life as I create my own reality. Thank you so much for helping me to change my life and be a more confident person.

Shirley Tan
Penang, Malaysia

I met Kim in 2004 in Lexington, KY. We sorely miss her presence here in Kentucky but know that she is embarking on new endeavors that we wish her much luck with. I will have to say that I was very nervous to have a Kundalini awakening. But my husband and I harnessed some bravery and decided to go through with it - we wanted to have any blockages cleared and get some healing in our lives. Yes, Kim did the awakening with us together. Afterwards, I felt a great calmness and felt in-tune. While she was working with us, I saw a purple haze and felt at ease.

Kim also did a few energy healings on me as an individual. At these sessions I was able to relax deeply and saw the color purple.

I think the lasting effects of Kim's work is in the ability to focus while doing my personal yoga and when I do my closing prayer, I see a white focused light streaming up from my root chakra and out the top of my head… it may be a visual habit, but sometimes it is more intense than others, so I feel that it is my charkas aligning and focusing.

I feel the strongest connection in Kim's work when she did a distance energy healing on our daughter. I guess this shows how connected a mother and her child can be. After Kim's healing on our daughter, I felt a complete release and calmness come over me for a day. Our daughter became better and continues to do well today. A great sense of release and joy came over me that day and my worries seemed to vanish!

Thank you, Kim for all of your time and help with our little family. We will always keep you in our hearts and thoughts and will not hesitate to come to you for healing and guidance.

Holly Gilpin
Lexington, Kentucky - USA

I met Kim online many years ago. I am always so comfortable when she gives me a tarot reading. It is not always about how she interprets the cards it is how she nails down the emotions of the underlying situation. Her honesty and straightforwardness is always something I look forward to. She makes me realize what emotions are at play and helps me fully understand my situation. She is always so accurate not only in the emotions but also in her predictions.

Maria M.,
Toronto, Canada

I have known Kim for many years. We started out working together on a program called IRC in the US Undernet. There she helped others like me to clear away the haze of negativity that comes from daily life in order to increase intuitive focus, as a healer or reader. Kim has always been a light in my darkest tunnel. She has helped me in strength and mental focus over the past 8-10 years I have known her (probably longer). She has an ability that soothes, comforts, and heals each time she works with you. We have also worked in many past lives (this is my area of specialty). Gentle and kind are always in her touch be-it: phone, internet, or touch. Sensitive and discreet is she when it comes to your ailments and problems you may have. Kim whom I call Puipui is well-versed and practiced in her techniques and if she doesn’t know how to help or heal you she knows the right places and people to find that help in. I have walked many roads with Kim in the past, now, and will continue to do so over the years to come……always her friend Mark “Dreagus “to her. I hope you find what she and I help bring to this world and that is …… Brightest of Blessings with Love and Light through the god(s) above and below.

Mark Wojtaszek,
Johnstown, PA – USA

This is my testimonial on Kim's spiritual guidance. I found her site online.

Kim is definitely a God send. Her confirmation was like hitting the lottery. I never felt such great joy/happiness ever before talking to Kim. I felt such comfort from Kim and believe that she knew far more than I could ever imagine anyone could feel or know about a complete stranger. I am forever grateful to have been shown the path and given a few steps towards enlightenment.

Keo Antrim,